Sunday, September 19, 2010

P4 D4-10

This now has been the end of the 10 days on P4 and we can't complain too much since we can eat what we want - and expect the consequences of what we eat. So during the week, we did very well and we were glad to see our weight stablizing. However the weekend hit and we went to out to lunch at TGI Fridays on Friday and then dinner on Saturday night. So now I have gained 1.2 lbs for the week but still have not gained more than 2 lbs since my Last Drop Day. Mike, however, has been snacking and he is up 3.6 lbs above his LDD. He knows he has been snacking and that means more calories. So tonight we will do a large steak for dinner. He cannot go without anything all day so we are just watching what we eat today and then have the steak so we can both hopefully drop the weight.

Mike also got his blood test back for his thyroid and the doctor wants him to to continue to take the synthroid. So he also started that this week. I am curious as to whether his weight gain is because he is back on the synthroid but we will see. When he was on it before, he couldn't lose weight or stabilize his weight so I am questioning it but going with the doctor (for now). :-)

We also have started back at the gym and doing that every other day. We both are doing good so there is no effects to our body since we were on the diet. We are not toning, etc so we will 1) stabilize the weight and 2) get ready for St. Thomas. We have 40 days until that so hopefully some of the toning will kick in by then!

People are laughing at me when after they ask about my weight loss, I get all excited about it and start talking non-stop. I am starting to catch myself and just give them my blog address so that they can read all about. Since my blog has all the links, they can decide how they want go.

All in all, I tell people, you have to make a commitment with no deviations if you want to be successful. Mike and I agree this worked for us. Hope everyone reading this is doing great - I am sharing as much as possible!

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